Code. :D Shhh.

Kyaaaaa. This isss hard!! D: OKAY!

1. [I can't put the "less than/greater than" sign here, it messes up the codes. D:]
If I say less than, it's the sign okie? XD

2. The src thingy has an 'img' before it. It should be "'lessthan'img src" no spaces between the 'lessthan' and the "img". if the 'img' is missing from the 'src' just put it there. Also, the 'style' thingy has a "div" before it too. "'lessthan'div style". Don't forget to put that!


3. The ones in RED are not included in the codes, so... delete them if you're putting it in the edit box. :D it's for explaining. :)

4. This coding is only made of 1 box. If you want to add another box, just copy from the * to the other *. :D
[This is for the banner in the upper part of the site. Just change the link with the link of your desired banner. :) It should be at least 1000px wide. :)]

< src="" style="position:absolute; top:-195px; left:-190px;">
[This is for the pic on the right side. Change the urls again and that's it. :)]

< img src="" width="300 ;="" style="position:fixed; bottom:20px; right:20px;">
[And this one's for the left pic. :)]

< img src="" style="position:absolute; left:-330px; top:-50px" alt="">

< style="text-align:center; position:relative; margin-left:-150px; width:570px; background-">
< style="font-size:78%;color:ffffff;">
[This is the background for the about me section. Just change the link. The preferred size is 567x871px but you can try others too. Just change the links and see ifit looks good. :)]
< src="" border="0">
< style="position:absolute; background-repeat:repeat; background-attachment:fixed; left:30px; top:70px; width:500px; height:450px; background- overflow:auto;border:1px dashed#ffffff">
< center>
< font size="2" color="ffffff">

Hi! About meeeeeeeeee is typed heereeeeeeeee :D

< /span>
< /center>
*< /div>
< center>< span style="font-size:10px ;">
Codes are by: Redd Elle
< /span>
< /center>
< /span>
< /div>


Baladas Mp3 May 1, 2011 at 10:11 AM  

My sweet girl-friend
Excellent work, I invite you to visit my site:
Albert,from Rosario-Argentine
Kind regards

Post a Comment

Don't post rude comments please. :]


Redd here. :)

This is just an extension of my Tumblog, redellered, but only what I really like and what are important and necessary are posted here. Especially my Bright Shadow files 'coz I created this mainly for our guild site,

If you like it, and read it, then thanks. :) You can comment too, if you like. Just please don't put rude and unnecessary comments. I've had enough of that lately.

AND.. If you don't like what I post or ME, then just get the fvck off and do your own thing. Don't ruin my day. I've enough problems and please don't add more. Thanks.

That's all, I think. Enjoy. XP.

Hello. It's me. :)

My photo
Hi! I'm Elle. :D ♥Age: 17, turning 18 soon.. ♥ ♥Loves: ♥ reading manga/manhwa/books, eating!, drawing, singing, crafting, collecting cute little things, colorful things, candies, chocolates, BLOOD, vampires 'cept for the sparkly one, etc. ♥Hates: ♥ icky stuff, when someone disturbs me in my work/sleep, irritating and annoying kids/people, plastics [people, not the thing], bastards and bitches, LIARS, DOMs, perverts [those who only think about sex, sex and sex], jEjEm0ns! [d0Ze pEopLE hu tyPe lyK tHiZzZz], and PINK! I can be the nicest person you'll ever meet. I am honest, kind, cheerful, gets bored easily but has a good sense of fun, easy to talk to, kinda childish sometimes, not quite funny but charming. lol. Be nice and treat me well. Also, my friends. I don't like seeing my friends cry. If you're my friend's enemy, then you'll be my enemy too. And you won't like it. ♥I love RED, BLACK and WHITE! :D♥ "I am just a silly little girl who wants to find love and be loved in return." ^_^

Who loves me! :D

O hai.

O hai.